Pedagogies And Strategies Of Artistic Doctorates In Film. Guest Speaker Andrea Braidt

Online Seminar Series

In the seminar, Professor Andrea Braidt (University of Vienna, ELIA President) discussed the Artistic Doctorate focusing on Film. The session explored current methodologies, policies, and pedagogies taking place in Artistic Doctorates in Europe, and drew upon examples of successful practices in Film.  

This event took place on Thursday 16th July 2020.

Recording Of The Seminar

In Summary…

Andrea Braidt introduced some principles of Artistic Research in Film, which, although appear clear in theory are quite challenging in practice. Through the example of Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski’ film Unearthing. In Conversation (2017), Braidt unpacked a series of artistic methods behind the conception and the production of the work. A discussion followed which expanded on funding streams, the Florence Principles, the relationships between artistic research and industry, the argument, and the role of the supervisor amongst other related topics. Braidt stressed the importance of the supervisor being first and foremost an expert on supervision who is aware of the difficulties of the process. Two specific challenges that Artistic Research in Film faces today were discussed: finding the space it occupies in wider discourses, as film’s malleability and use as a medium of documentation and dissemination often hides its potential as a means to delve into knowledge production; and defining what the argument is and how it manifests itself in artistic practice. 

About Andrea Braidt

Andrea Braidt is a Senior Scientist at the University of Vienna, Department for Theatre, Film and Media Studies

This series of seminars is part of the research project Visioning the Future: Artistic Doctorates in Ireland. Presentations and discussions will be video and audio recorded. Thisdocumentation will be available on the project website and may contribute to the development of Open Educational Resources. 

By participating in this seminar you are giving your approval for audio-visual recording of the sessions, consenting to participate in this research project (anonymously or by providing your name if asking a question), and agreeing to the possibility of quotation/publication of extracts of your participation.